Xrilion Web-Icon Logo V1

Instant PX to
REM Converter

Instantly Convert Pixels to the
CSS Unit Rem, and Vice Versa.


How to Use Instant PX to REM Converter

This cool calculator instantly converts pixels to the CSS unit REM.

By default, the calculator assumes a font size of 16 pixels, which is pretty common in web development. But you can tweak that.


How do I use it?


Pretty Simple: The calculations happen as you type, and you can simply click the copy button to copy the result to your clipboard.

​Like this:


How about Px to Pt?


You bet …

Convert PX to Other Units

Yep, you can turn pixels (px) into points (pt), centimeters (cm), ems (em), or millimeters (mm), super fast.


Wow! Thanks👍

The Basics: Pixels and REM

EM Vs REM Units

What’s Wrong With Pixels

PX to REM Conversions