PX to REM Converter

Instantly Convert Pixels to the Other CSS Units, and Vice Versa. (REMs, Points, EMs, Inches, Centimeters, Picas, and Millimeters).


For relative css units, it assumes a root font size of 16 Pixels, which you can change to your liking.

The calculations happen as you type.


For some of the options, I see “PPI”.

Instead of “Root” … Why?


width=”20″ height=”20″ viewBox=”0 0 20 20″ fill=”none” xmlns=””>

Yes, Real-world units (In, CM and Mm) default to 96 PPI.

You can also change this depending on your screen’s PPI or DPI.


CSS Unit Basics

Pixels (Px)

Pixel: often denoted as ‘px’, is a fixed-size unit of measurement in digital screens. This unit corresponds to the smallest point a screen can render. This measurement remains consistent regardless of any other factor, making it an absolute unit of measurement.

EM and REM (And %)

REM is a newer unit compared to EM.

  • em: relative to the font size of the element (1em = font size)
  • rem: relative to the root size (1rem = font size of the root element)
  • % (percentage): relative to the parent element’s width or height

Real World Units

Cm (centimeters), Mm (millimeters), In (inches), Pt (points), Pc (picas) are absolute units, usually not recommended for screen media.

A point is a unit of measurement equal to 1/72 of an inch (in). And a pica is a unit of measurement equal to 12 points (pt) or 1/6 of an inch (in).

CSS Unit Best Practices

  • Use relative units (e.g., em, rem, %) for layout and typography to ensure responsiveness.
  • Use absolute units (e.g., px) for images and other media to ensure precise control.
  • Avoid using cm, mm, in, pt, and pc units for screen media, as they can lead to inconsistent rendering.
  • Use vw, vh, vmin, and vmax units for full-screen or responsive designs.
  • Use deg, rad, and turn units for angles, and s and ms units for time.
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