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Instant PX to
EM Converter

Instantly Convert Pixels to the
CSS Unit Em, and Vice Versa.


How to Use Instant PX to EM Converter

This amazing calculator effortlessly translates pixel measurements into the EM unit of CSS.

By default, the calculator assumes a standard parent element’s font size of 16 pixels, widely used in web development. However, you have the flexibility to customize this default setting according to your preferred font size.


And, how do I use it?


Calculations update dynamically while you type, and with just a single click on the copy button, easily transfer the result to the clipboard.

​Like this:


How about Px to other units?



Convert PX to Other Units

Yes, you can turn pixels (px) into points (pt), centimeters (cm), rems (rem), or millimeters (mm), super fast.


I love that!

Pixels and EMs: The Basics

Pixel to EM Conversion

To convert pixel values to em, you simply need to divide the desired pixel value by the font size of the parent element or the element itself. Conversely, to convert from em back to pixels, you multiply the em value by the font size.

For example, if you’re working with a base font size of 16px (the standard), to convert a measurement of 32 pixels to em, you’d perform the following calculation:

32px / 16px = 2em

Likewise, to convert a 2em measurement back to pixels, you’d use:

2em * 16px = 32px

Pixel vs EM: Why Does It Matter?

You might be wondering why the choice between pixels and em units matters.

While pixels offer precision and simplicity, their rigidness can sometimes become a limitation. The dynamic nature of web design necessitates flexibility, which is where em comes in handy.

Em units are designed to adapt. The size of 1em is relative to the font-size of its parent element or the element itself, making it responsive to the user’s environment. This makes em a vital tool for creating scalable, accessible designs that can adjust to different screen sizes, device orientations, and user preferences.

Is EM Supported?