14 Unmissable Useless Websites to Visit When Bored (According to the Internet)

Download not finishing up?

Time for “time pass”! 😁


I’m oddly excited!


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1. Viola the Bird

Straight from Google, this bird can play the violin!

It’s a little fun music experiment, one of many constructed by the team behind David Li.


A neural network was used to develop a real-time audio synthesis engine that generates cello or violin sounds from player input.

There are also other fun games in this experiment series, like …

2. Blob Opera

This is also really fun to play with!

It’s another Google experiment by David Li, and four opera singers to teach a machine-learning model how to sing.

It’s literally a bunch of blob characters with a fine-tuned pipe.


And they sound amazing!


OMG, this is very underrated.


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They did 16 hours of singing to train an algorithm called a Convolutional Neural Network. (Artificial Intelligence)

In the experiment you don’t actually hear them singing. Instead, the AI uses what it learned and synthesizes is live! 🀯

3. HackerTyper

Type … Type … Type.

Ever wanted to pretend you’re the world’s greatest hacker?


HackerTyper lets you pretend you’re coding at the speed of light! Type anything to generate lines of impressive-looking code. And hit “Alt” for “Access Granted”.


Actual code?


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Nah, mostly just some gobbledygook!

The perfect ploy for the next time your boss walks by your desk. (To close any dialog boxes, use Esc).

4. Pablo the Flamingo

This “useless” website has an actual awareness cause behind it: WWF’s Global Conservation of Endangered Wildlife.

Pablo the Flamingo is a digital creation that has been featured in various web design projects and publications.


Pablo is an illustrated dancing flamingo!

Just turn off the music and see what he does.πŸ˜‚

5. WindowSwap

Now this is interesting.

WindowsSwap basically lets you see the world from the comfort of your chair.


People from all over share video clips from their windows.

You could be looking out at a bustling city in Tokyo one minute, and a quiet forest in Finland the next.

Like literally.


What about privacy issues?


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I mean no one is doing it unwillfully! So …

Virtual tourism eh …?

6. Bored Button

Let me give it to ya straight.

“Press the Bored Button and be bored no more.” πŸ’€


Click the red button and you get random games that … Let’s just say are random. (I don’t like red buttons though) …

Yes, it’s a useless website to find other useless things.

😁 Useless-ception? Possibly.

7. Ffffidget

This one is cool. Ffffidget is …


It’s a Fidget, a Digital Fidget.

You know what a fidget is …

Should I stop saying “fidget”?

I don’t know what else to tell ya!


Why not just get a real fidget? πŸ‘€


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You’ve a point …

Pretty interesting for beginner Devs who want to know the code behind it though. πŸ‘


8. Pointer Pointer

Pointer Pointer (not gonna lie) looks like a byproduct of an AI test gone goofy.

Move your mouse anywhere and it will generate a photo of people pointing exactly at your cursor.


I know … ridiculous. Who would even …



Um … πŸ˜…


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Were you just playing that?

While I was beakin’ it down?


Sorry, couldn’t help it.


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It’s a strange blend of creepy and addictive.

Moving on …


9. Neal Fun – Perfect Circle

Neal Fun is A collection of silly and interactive mini-games and toys that won’t do anything productive for you but are guaranteed to put a grin on your face.

Perfect Circle is oneI found.


All you have to do is draw a circle, as circular as you can.

And it gives you the result in percentages of how close to a perfect circle it was.

Pretty straightforward but this could be played with friends.

10. I Am the Cube

IamtheCube is an online 3D Rubik’s Cube simulator.

The simulator is free to use and does not require any registration.


The website was created by a Stewart Smith.

The simulator has since become popular with it being featured inGoogle’s homepage at one time!

It has been used by over 1 million people.

(Doesn’t sound so useless after all).

11. Quick, Draw!

Quick, Draw! is a game created by Google AI that challenges you to draw different objects in 20 seconds.

As you draw, a neural network tries to guess what you are drawing. Seriously. It’s kinda cool … πŸ‘


The more you play, the better the neural network gets at guessing your drawings.

Can a neural network learn to recognize your doodles?

You tell me.

12. Paper Toilet

This website offers the oddly satisfying experience of unrolling a toilet paper roll… endlessly.

Didn’t know that was a thing, but.


There you go!

It’s as pointless as it gets folks. πŸ‘

13. Drawing Garden

Also known as Emoji Garden.


Create beautiful, abstract art with this AI-powered website.


Everything is Emojis🌼


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Let your mouse wander and enjoy the burst of flowers and music that bloom wherever you hover/click.

You’re an artist. A flower artist.


14. Coin

I love this one!

The goal is to toss the minimal-looking coin into the slot!


And as you can see many people have successfully done it.

(106,534,406) at the time of writing this!


What if you flip the coin and it lands on heads or tails?


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We do have a tool like that on this site!

It’s conveniently called: coin flipper.

Bonus: This is Sand

I found this after I compiled the list! ThisisSand

Thought I HAD to add it to this list of useless websites.


It is indeed sand! Builds up from the bottom with the different colors … soothing.

So, there you have it!

That was my list of the 14 most useless websites to waste your precious time on! (Hope you enjoyed it).

Boredom is the peculiar byproduct of our modern world.

Or modern world order.


You don’t say πŸ˜’


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It is a “relatively new” concept!

63% of participants in a study reported feeling bored at least once a day/session

We’re drowning in stuff to do, with endless content and opportunities all around us. But somehow, we end up just mindlessly scrolling through our phones, not sure what to actually do.


What To Do When Bored


Read a Book. Learn something new, or simply enjoy the prose of your favorite author. Reading is a timeless way to pass the time and stimulate your mind.

Watch a Movie or Series. From action-packed thrillers to insightful documentaries.

Go for a Walk. Sometimes, a little fresh air and a change of scenery can work wonders in alleviating boredom.

Learn a New Skill. Always wanted to learn how to play the guitar, code, or speak a foreign language? Now’s the time!

Exercise. Get fit while you kill some time.

Cook or Bake. Try a new recipe. I hated cooking too. But it can be therapeutic, and you get a delicious end result!

Do Some Cleaning or Organizing. Decluttering your surroundings can be surprisingly satisfying and lead to a clearer mind. Minimalism baby!

Listen to a Podcast or Music. Discover a new band or catch up on interesting conversations from around the world.


It was fun for me to write this post. Sometimes it’s nice to just browse something fun instead of always trying to be productive. Takes the edge off!

Happy time-wasting!

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